Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Karla Marano CU Vintage Photo Albums

Another commercial use product, this time by Karla Marano AKA Karla's Kaleidoscope Designs. This designer sells this product for $2.00 at Divine Digital, with a little cleaning up on a small budget these could be a hit in a heritage kit or a scrapper could purchase to use for scrapping their own family history.


Anonymous said...

For 2 bucks it looks like a great deal. It's nice to know that she does decent quality work.

Anonymous said...

I would really like a critique of Babette's textured overlays. They look nice but I'd like to see them at 100%


Anonymous said...

All too often disrespect and deception cower under cover of anonymity (as in the owner and nasty posters on this blog). Most times the owner and posters have no name attached to their suggestions that everyone "listen up" because they have something nasty to say that they feel people will take seriously. Why have they not taken this to an open community where they can stand behind their names and be as brave there as here? For the same cowardly reasons the hide behind anononymity on these blogs. This blog falls directly into this category. Zero credentials for either. Go back to the mirror you looked into this morning. See that HUGE reflection? The problem lies there and not where you spew your nasties. Sick, very sick individuals and noted by most.

Anonymous said...

I guess this blog has been abandoned.

Anonymous said...

yes, abandoned along with the other one!